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Emisshield reduces your emissions (results IMPROOF study)

Through the work being preform at Ghent with the IMPROOF Study, we are proving that the power of Emisshield’s High Emissivity Materials can drastically reduce your emissions. With the results from IMPROOF Emisshield took these successes and produced similar products for the Iron & Steel and Glass Industries. With the experience in high emissivity materials we plan to help our customers reduce their overall carbon footprint to preserve our resources for the generations to come.

Integrated model guided process optimization of steam cracking furnaces (IMPROOF) is a project with the University of Ghent to drastically improve the energy efficiency of steam cracking furnaces by at least 20%, and this in a cost-effective way, while simultaneously reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and NOX per ton ethylene produced by at least 25%. The project is being coordinated and lead by Professor Kevin Van Geem of the University of Ghent. Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD modeling has shown great results in using high emissivity materials. Based on the findings thus far, the application of Emisshield will be placed on the surface of the radiant coils, furnace walls, burners and more. Tests are showing that these applications will increase heat flux and heat re-radiation, and provide a uniform temperature distribution on the tube shell, eliminating hot spots and inhibiting coking.

Reducing coke formation inside the process tubes will be an important component in reducing the energy used throughout these processes. Data is providing evidence toward coke forming from hotspots on the outside of the radiant coils. Emisshield coatings are eliminating these hotspots by providing an even temperature distribution throughout the unit, keeping the tube shell cooler and maximizing efficiency. As we continue our efforts with IMPROOF, we will distribute the findings and inform you how High Emissivity Materials can positively affect your processes.

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